Finding Your Groove with Your Health and Fitness Lifestyle

I have been on my health and fitness journey for about 3 ½ years now! I started with P90X and literally felt the best EVER and had abs for the first time! It was awesome! Well, I figured I better tackle Insanity next, so I did. Great program, built endurance but I seemed to get a little FLUFFY ,if…


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How to be Successful in creating the habit or craving the reward

Recently, I went to CampDoMore with Chalene Johnson, NY time bestselling author, creator of Turbo Kick, turbo fire, Chalene extreme and more. She is an amazing motivational teacher alongside an amazing fitness professional. She began sharing about setting goals and then sometimes not hitting them, like a weight loss goal. We often hear it takes 21 days to create…


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Importance of Family Health

On August 2nd, 2010 I began my permanent health journey! This time was going to be different. I committed to myself, my husband, and especially my baby girls. I grew up with a lot of processed foods and sweets. I did not really know how to eat properly. I ate some fruits, canned vegetables, and salads once and a…


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What is Shakeology?

Is Shakeology expensive? YES, because it is the GOOD STUFF! Shakeology is an all natural meal replacement shake that counts as 5 servings of your fruits/veggies each day and it tastes like dessert. This shake has 70+ ingredients in it that the average person has a hard time getting in their body daily. Sure, you can buy all of…


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