P90X and Shakeology, How the journey to the best shape of my life began

It all began with P90X! So, the story begins…..

Mom of 2 sitting at home wondering how to get out of this funk after just having a baby girl #2 just 2 months prior and longing for my body to just be NORMAL AGAIN!

P90X infomercial comes on the t.v. and I think what you probably think, “oh that won’t work for me” orShakeology

“oh that is too expensive” or “that will collect dust just like my Billy Blanks dvd’s are doing right now!”

LOL, Did I read your mind?

Well, I then saw a high school friend on facebook who was doing p90x and had amazing results.

Again, I thought “oh please, that wasn’t 90 days.” “Can that really happen?” “That won’t work for me”

So, with all this negativity flowing from my mind, I decided to message him and ask.

Why not,right? To my surprise, the answers were genuine and he explained the hard work, the dedication, the struggles, the triumphs, and most importantly that he followed the NUTRITION guide and drank Shakeology.

Oh, here we go with the negative thoughts again. “Shakeology probably tastes nasty” “It is probably like slim fast and I will be starving ½ hour later”

To my surprise when he sent me my free sample in the mail that week, I LOVED it right away. It tasted like a Wendy’s frosty and since I had c-section and lost a lot of blood, I was on iron pills for anemia and some may know what that does for your digestion/tummy, yea well HALLELUJAH time!!!! I was regular again! YES from 1 sample.

I was sold! I needed to figure out how to fit this into the budget.

My friend then began to share the cost. OUCH, how was I going to afford that? I didn’t have a job, my husband’s job only brings in like $40k/year and we have 2 kids, a home, credit card debt, and……the list goes on.

Well, luckily my friend didn’t say “Oh yea, so maybe when you get a job you should get this”

NOPE, he explained to me that I would be REPLACING a meal. Taking money I am already spending and having this optimal nutrition shake instead. Also as a coach, it is only $3.65/day. Well, I was buying all my food at Walmart, so still wasn’t quite sure. Then he said you have 30 days to see if this will work and if not, full money back guarantee.

O.k. SOLD!!!! Even after my husband said NO, oops LOL

I placed my order on 7/27/2010 with a credit card that was just about at max, and started my journey on 8/2/2010. I went grocery shopping that week and spent $37 less, awesome we are off to a great start already, Shakeology is cheaper. I got up on day 1 and went to the basement and pressed play.

P90X_systemWOW, I am NOT IN SHAPE like I thought I was. I was in shape all through high school and was on/off again gym go’er for a bit taking group ex classes. Well, I couldn’t hang with p90x on day 1 for sure. I was laughing so hard at how much I could not do. I listened to Tony, messaged my coach, and they both said. “Do your best and forget the rest”

Day 2 came and more of the same, day 3 etc…..

Then by week 2, I was able to do more pushups, press pause less, and had so much energy from Shakeology, I couldn’t believe how amazing I felt.

Month 1 had passed and I felt great, but I was not seeing the results I expected to see. I thought this thing was supposed to get me in the best shape of my life? NOT! I reached out to my coach asking what gives. He reminded me that it is a 90 day program and to keep pressing play. He also reminded me that it didn’t take 30 days to put on the extra 35 lbs I was carrying around, why would it come off that quickly?

Day 60, feeling stronger, starting to see some definition, but again, not the results I was looking for. I am convinced I would not have seen these results if I didn’t add in Shakeology from day 1.

Then days 65 and 70 , lbs and inches began melting off. I was stronger, thinner, healthier, happier, and abs were shining through! YAY at Day 90, 18lbs lighter and 18 inches gone and sitting comfortable in a size 6 again! Thank goodness I stuck with it! Even though, there were many days I wanted to just quit.

My biggest complaint now after having gone thru tons of other beachbody programs, is that it is a little long each day, so you do have to make the time for at least 1 hour/day. This is my soul mate workout and got my body in the best shape ever, even better than high school. I would recommend this to anyone who is ready to BRING IT!


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