Support and accountability is key to your Health goals

For years, I would go to the gym, do weight watchers, try fad diets, anything that would promise me results. I had such a hard time STICKING to anything consistently. When I became a mom, I said enough is enough, I have to find something for me , that is sustainable long term. I remember the girls being 4 years old and 2 months old and I needed to find ME again. I had received 2 calls in my lifetime at that point that scared the crap out of me. 1 telling me nana had a heart attack, 2 telling me, mom had a heart attack. O.k. I needed to take control of my health so the girls NEVER receive a call like that, as long as I can help it.

In came a social media post from a friend sharing his before and afters of an at home fitness program where he followed a meal plan, drank a superfood shake, did workouts at home, and was a accountable to a group of 5 other people. AHHHHH maybe this was it? Do something on MY time and have others to be accountable to. I had no interest in bundling the girls up to take them to the gym daycare. So many germs, interruptions if needed diaper change and more. I knew I wouldn’t stick to it. I reached out to my friend asked more questions and a week later, my package was purchased and I began my new at home fitness journey with accountability on Facebook. Here I am 8.5 years later, STILL doing this very thing.

Nicole working out to 21 Day Fix at home

I became a coach to be able to share my journey with others and help women and men just like me who needed this freedom and accountability.

Here is what a few of them have said about what they love about our accountability group:

Kathy says
“This accountability group helps to keep me motivated and working towards my goals. Knowing there are people who care and support me helps me to get up and do my workouts and follow my meal plan. I also help others in the group to stay accountable when I post my workout. So I get support and give support. That motivates me to be consistent. This group is amazing!
This accountability group helps to keep me motivated and working towards my goals. Knowing there are people who care and support me helps me to get up and do my workouts and follow my meal plan. I also help others in the group to stay accountable when I post my workout. So I get support and give support. That motivates me to be consistent. This group is amazing!”

Nicole says
“My favorite thing is the support from everyone else. This time I have a community to rely on. It keeps me motivated and reminds me of what’s important.”

Heather says
“The accountability has helped me tremendously! It motivates me to get my workouts in because I look forward to posting about my workouts and reading other people’s post about theirs. If I’m struggling, everyone is so supportive and encouraging!
The accountability has helped me tremendously! It motivates me to get my workouts in because I look forward to posting about my workouts and reading other people’s post about theirs. If I’m struggling, everyone is so supportive and encouraging!”

Dawn says
“This group has helped me in so many ways. I have overcome worries about what people think of me. I am still working hard at this. I gained so many new friends with the same goals in life. I love seeing how they are doing and giving the same support they give me. Love how everyone is so encouraging! “

Melanie says
“I agree with what everyone else has said so far. All of those things help me! One thing that really seems to help when I’m down is how it overtakes my newsfeed. When I scroll through Facebook I see everyone’s posts and it fills my head with positivity and motivation. “

My name is Nicole and I have been a health and fitness coach for over 8 years now. To learn more about me and what I have to offer you, Check out my about page.
