Shift Shop official test group results

Nicole L Jones Shift Shop Test Group results


When I first heard the title of the new program “Shift Shop”, I thought “what the heck does that mean?”

I then got asked to be in the TEST GROUP. After seeing the trailer, I thought “ME? Are you sure? This looks too intense for me”

I had knee surgery a few years ago and I am turning 41. I don’t like cardio. Jumping scares me. YUP all those self limiting beliefs came flooding into my mind and my husband looked at me and said “That is exactly why you need to say yes.” He was right, per usual, shhhh don’t tell him.


I started my health and fitness journey in July 2010 using Beachbody programs. I even started with P90X, just 2 months after having my second daughter via c-section. After 18 months, I had lost 28 lbs and 29 inches and felt the BEST I HAD EVER FELT. I kept it off for a few years and did more programs like Insanity, Asylum, Turbo Fire, Piyo, 21 Day Fix, Hammer and Chisel, 21 day fix extreme, P90X3, Core de force, just to name a few. Something shifted in me end of 2015 and I started getting lax on my workouts and my nutrition. Then in 2016, I had 2 big losses in my life and a health scare, so things were heading in the wrong direction. I was working out but not consistently. I was eating clean, but not consistently. At the start of 2017, I vowed to make BIG CHANGES and recommit to myself and my health.


In April, I was invited to be a part of the official coach test group for the new program, SHIFT SHOP launching in July 2017. I said YES. I knew this was going to be my comeback PROGRAM. We did ROUND 1 of 21 days from 5/8-5/28 and I lost 4.6 lbs and 7.5 inches.

The weight and inches coming off feels great, but the biggest shift that is happening is in my mind. Chris Downing, the creator of this program is an amazing trainer! He not only, helps you shift your body but helps you shift your mind. Throughout the program, he shares positive affirmations as you are doing the workouts to bring your fitness and mindset to the next level. During this time, my nutrition has been 96% perfect. This journey is all about PLANNING and PREPPING. No it’s not fun, but its very much worth it. We tend to want things easier but nothing in life worth fighting for is easy, right?


I am excited to tell you about this program. It is 21 days. You alternate speed workouts which are all cardio, with strength days and 2 of the days each week you add in core work. The first week is 25 min workouts. The second week is 35 and the third week is 45 min. The nutrition is based off the color coded portion controlled containers and the first and second week you are allowed carbs and the third week, no added carbs are on the plan. You still get your carbs from your superfood shake and fruits/veggies. There are healthy fats added into week 3 as well as more protein and veggies. The nutrition guide is easy to follow and comes with sample menus. I have been following the sample menus, 3 days/wk you eat all of the same foods and 4 days/wk you eat another set of foods. I thought I would get bored but actually it has been super helpful and easy to follow. I’ve heard, “fit people tend to eat a lot of the same things all the time.” Good because I want to be FIT.


Whatever your goals are, wherever you are at in your journey, I can help. Shift Shop has a modifier to follow so you can use less weights and do less jumping during some of the moves. You have to decide that you are READY. Ready to go all in and enter the SHIFT SHOP and be amazed by the shift that you will go though , mind, body and spirit. You will make excuses that you can’t afford this, you don’t have time, you don’t like working out, you don’t eat veggies, you don’t need a superfood shake, you simply want to do the bare minimum. Guess what? Those are self limiting beliefs you are telling yourself and your thoughts become actions. YOU have to go into this journey feeling ready to take control of your health. If you don’t make the changes now, then you will regret it in your health later.

I am ready to get you STARTED TODAY! We can begin getting you moving and eating based on the color coded containers and get you READY TO SHIFT!!!!!

WHAT DOES IT INCLUDE and How do I begin

I can’t recommend this program ENOUGH. It really is the full package of fitness + nutrition + support and as your coach you will have access to me DAILY on Facebook along with a group of other like minded people going thru the same struggles and going after the same goals. OH and because I am in the OFFICIAL COACH TEST GROUP, Chris Downing, the creator of Shift Shop is going to be in our support group too. WHAT?? YES, he will be there and help you reach your goals!

To get started you your journey,


Check out some of the moves form Shift Shop by watching my videos

