Personal Development: Hocum or Necessity?

You have heard of self-help books right? Perhaps you know them by their more politically correct name, personal development books. They get such a bad rap; I’m not sure why. Maye it’s because when they first really arrived on the scene, talking openly about feelings, therapy, and self-improvement was taboo, seen as a sign of weakness. Thankfully, the authors…


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Time Management: Work/Life Balance

Time Management

Time Management: Work/Life Balance Everyone always says “I have to get better at time management”. O.k. great but what does that mean? What is time management? Why do you feel you need to get better at it? Once you can answer those questions, you will understand it all a little bit more. You have to understand, truly understand what…


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Life Partners Become Business Partners Part 2

February 2013, Mark decided it was time to come home and run this business with me full time. We were making a lot more money at this MLM part time thing than his full time business so it only made sense. No more stress, no more 9-5, and we could begin building this life of design. It was AMAZING!…


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Life Partners Become Business Partners

Let me take you back to July 2010. My husband Mark and I just had our 2nd baby girl in June and we were loving life as new parents. Just loving our baby girls and feeling super grateful that we were blessed with having them in our lives. These gifts we were given were the BEST EVER! We had…


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Importance of Having a Personal Growth Plan

What is a personal growth plan and why do I need it? Well, are you looking to improve at all? Chances are the answer is yes. You would like to be a better parent, a better spouse, have more goals, and have more success at your job/career, right? Well, in order to improve in any of these areas you…


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How to be Successful in creating the habit or craving the reward

Recently, I went to CampDoMore with Chalene Johnson, NY time bestselling author, creator of Turbo Kick, turbo fire, Chalene extreme and more. She is an amazing motivational teacher alongside an amazing fitness professional. She began sharing about setting goals and then sometimes not hitting them, like a weight loss goal. We often hear it takes 21 days to create…


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