What Beachbody Coaching is all About

All about Beachbody Coaching


My name is Nicole L Jones and I have been an independent Team Beachbody coach since 7/27/2010. I got started in Beachbody Coaching after I just had baby girl #2 and was looking for a way to get healthy and fit but also looking for a way to make money. I was googling ways to make money with nutrition programs, being a group fitness instructor, personal trainer. Then I began scrolling Facebook on one Sunday night and I came across a high school friend who had posted his before and after with the at home fitness program p90x. I didn’t know what that was so I reached out and I began asking questions as to what he was doing. At the same time, I was googling “what is Team Beachbody?” I came across something called coaching and so I asked him questions. He said “yes you can use the products, share the journey with others and make a commission.” I wanted in and didn’t have much money, remember I was googling ways to make money, but I knew I had to make a change in order for things to change. I couldn’t go on living this way and I couldn’t pass on this struggle to my girls. I told my husband I was signing up, he was nervous and knew we didn’t have the money to buy the products, but we figured it out with not paying a bill and using our last bit of credit card available and WENT FOR IT!!! This was a BIG LEAP of faith and I am forever grateful I took the risk.


As coaches, it is our duty to share our journey with others. Now, the way I teach the team is to do this in a personal way and not be salesy. There is nothing worse than scrolling Facebook and seeing your friends all of a sudden become infomercials. Our job is to not do that but to put a personal human touch on what using the products has done for us and how they have changed our lives.

Each day, we use the products and then share with others. We share on social media and we share personally in talking to people privately. There is nothing better than a personal touch. We all go to Facebook to ask for referrals on products others are using in health and fitness, skin care, and more. This is the same thing, you just happen to have a referral website where you will receive commission for sharing.

First and foremost, we work on ourselves. We work on becoming better physically and emotionally. We read personal growth books and listen to audios and watch videos to get our mindset in the right place to become the best version of ourselves.

The behaviors we do daily as coaches are: Be a product of the product, Share and talk about what the products are doing for us, and work on our personal development.


The most rewarding part of our job is to help people with their health and fitness once they begin their journey. You help them purchase the products and then what? You don’t throw them into the trenches, you begin working with them in a private Facebook support and accountability group. Beachbody also launched an app you can use. In this group, you as the coach become the “expert” and all that means is sharing what has worked for you thus far. You share your meal planning ideas, recipes, pics and videos of you working out, in order to inspire those in your group to do their workout and work on their nutrition. This pulls it all together for people. They don’t simply purchase a program and then figure it out, you help them figure it out.


As you begin helping challengers, they now start seeing results and their friends/family begin asking them about how they did it. You can then share with them about becoming a coach and doing the same thing you have been doing.

WE have incredible trainings for you to plug into as a new coach and then plug your new coaches into the same program. You as a coach are also not thrown into the trenches and asked to figure it out. We help support you in a private Facebook coaching group and help each other along.



As coaches, we receive a 25% commission on selling products to customers.

The bigger income potential comes from helping others become coaches and sharing their journey with others. The pay it forward mentality is rewarded. You share, they share, they share and the cycle continues and you make a commission on what your coaches are selling as well and what their coaches are selling and so on.


I have a team of over 10,000 coaches who now all pay it forward to others and it is the most rewarding career I have ever had. I went to school for psychology and got in some crazy student loan debt which my beachbody income helped pay off. It’s amazing what this opportunity can do to change lives physically, emotionally, and financially.

This allows the EVERYDAY person to dream bigger than ever before. Having a job created income, having a career as a CEO in network marketing creates WEALTH.


To get started in Beachbody Coaching, Click the following link https://www.nicoleljones.com/jointeampassion/
